Training maps

Finnish Championship training maps are available


  1. Munsmo

distance 4,5 km, 14 control points, map scale 1:10 000 or 1:7500,

 contour interval 2,5 m, map size A4, control flags

Mapmaker of this training map, Eero-Antti Lonka,

has also made the competition map

Map is made of area next to competition area .

Parking place Munsmovägen 183, Mustasaari.

Instructions of starting place come with the map.


  1. Iso-Pässilä

distance 4,1 km, 11 control points, map scale 1:10 000 or 1:7500,

contour interval 2,5 m, map size A4,

control flags with codes


Rocky terrain and height differences remind

part of competition area in Öjberget. 


Parking place: Jurvantie 1320, Ilmajoki, To start about 1km.

Instructions of starting place come with the map.


Available from 7  May:

  1. Södernäset: It´s forbidden to orienteer in this area from 9 pm to 8 am.                                       

Map 4/2023. Interval training near Munsmo.

Mapmaker and course setter Caj Snickars. 

5x about 1 km, Map 1: 7500 / 2,5m or 1:5000/2,5m

Parking place: Södernäsvägen 155, Mustasaari.

From parkingplace to start about 150m.




Available from 11  May:


  1. Vähäkyrö: Training on Vähäkyrös Ojaniemi area.

Map is a bit old, but orienteering is possible. Scale 1: 10 000/2,5m

Terrain is variable and gives an example of rocky costal terrain.

Parking place: Ojaniementie 242, Vaasa.  

course A 4,6km, B 4,0 km 



Price of a training map is 10 euros per map. Contact if you need larger amounts of maps.


Order map(s) at least three days before you need it. As a reply, you will get the instructions where to pick up the map(s). 

Contact information about training 1., 3, and 4 : jaana.istolahti(at)

Contact information about training 2: niko.latva(at) och by whatsapp 0358503772912